Horses & Cavalry

Horses are underutilised in typical Minecraft PvP. Chorus makes horses easier to use and more effective in PvP.

Hitting players & mobs with horses deals damage.

Horses have more health.

Armored horses are resistent to greekfire.

Getting started with horses

Summon/unsummon horses with a saddle:

  1. Tame a horse
  2. Right-click saddle in horse inventory to unsummon horse to saddle item.
Right-click with saddle in hand to summon the horse.

To restore a dead horse saddle:

  1. Place haybale block on the ground in front of you.
  2. Right-click haybale block with the saddle in your hand.

Dismount players with tridents - if you throw a trident and hit a player on horseback, you will dismount them.

Craft saddles:

Craft horse armor:

Wars & Sieges

Want to blow up another nations base? Well you can! Our fully custom war system allows invading bases and capturing territory for your nation. All damage is reverted after the battle.

Aerial Combat

Defend your airspace with fully automated anti-air flak cannons, anti-air rockets and greekfire.

Custom Mobs

Check out the vast collection of unique custom mobs you may encounter.