Portal Network
To help players traverse the world there are portals scattered throughout the map. The portal will have a book on a lecturn, open the book and click on where you would like to go. The portal will open, and you can pass though to your destination. The portal will close after a short time.
Near each portal is a spawn pad which is where players will respawn when they die and don't have a camp or town nearby. There is an Ender Chest on the spawn pad.
An important thing to know about the portals is that they move around every ~24 hours.
This is done to distribute players and their environmental destruction across the map evenly while also allowing players to explore new areas of the world.
You can keep track of the portals' location by right-clicking the portal itself, the bedrock block, or using /portals command in chat and clicking on the text in chat.
Portals also appear on the World Map.
You can also set your compass to always point to a specific portal using the command above or by right-clicking your compass on the load stone that is on the portal.
Portals work even when flying or riding a horse. You can also bring mobs though using a leads or boats.